
Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

House of Minangkabau

The word "Minangkabau" is derived from "minang" meaning "indeed" and "Kabau" meaning "buffalo", Minangkabau includes of West Sumatra, half land of Riau , north of Bengkulu, western Jambi, southern Sumatra, southwest of Aceh, and nine domestic  in Malaysia.House traditional Minangkabau  is Gadang. But many are calling this Godang home, Bagogjong home and Baanjung home.Minangkabau house serves as a place to stay for Minangkabau's peoples.Because used to stay at the house,it also had a rules.That rules are  
1.Room depending on the number of women living in the house.
2.Every newly married women get 1 room.
3.Father and mother and children gain room near the kitchen.
4.teenagers gain at the other end.

All parts of the Minangkabau are loose pieces unless bedroom .Minangkabau house consists of long and tapering and space characterized by "tiang.Rumah" are usually built on land owned by the parent of a family's front yard Gadang suku.Usually there are 2 pieces this rangkiang.Rumah possess the unique part of the roof is gabled with ijuk.Minangkabau house very popular im Indonesia,from Sabang to Merauke.It is one of many cultures(house) of Indonesia.We must conserve this house because nothing countries have this culture expect Indonesia.


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